Hockey Arenas


Click here for a list  of Alberta Arenas





AKI Akinsdale 66 Hebert Road, St. Albert
ALX Alexandra Arena 47 Ave & 49 St, Leduc
ARD  Ardrossan 80 - 1st Ave, Ardrossan
ARP  Argyll Plaza 9933 Argyll Road
BHA Bill Hunter   9200 - 163 Street
CWA Callingwood Vern Davis 17740 - 69 Avenue
CWB Callingwood B 17740-69 Avenue
CAC  Canadian Athletic Club - CAC 14640 - 142 Street
CDA / CDB Castledowns Twin Arenas 11520 - 153 Avenue
UA  Clare Drake Arena - U of A 115 Street & 87 Avenue
CVA / CVB Clareview Twin Arenas 3804 - 139 Avenue
CFA Confederation 11204 - 43 Avenue
COA Coronation 13500 - 112 Avenue
CRA Crestwood 9940 - 147 Street
DOA Donnan 9105 - 80 Avenue
DOW Dow Centennial Centre 8700 - 84 St, Ft Saskatchewan 
EIB Edmonton Ice Box - Formerly Parkland  10840 - 215 St (Winterburn Road)
JRC Fort Sask. Jubilee Arena 10013 - 96 Avenue, Ft Saskatchewan
SPX Fort Sask. Sportsplex 9513-89 St., Ft Saskatchewan
FVA Fultonvale - Strathcona Olympiette 52029 D RR 224 Strathcona County
EGA / EGB Garrison Twin Arenas - CFB 97 Street North to the Base on Hwy 28A
SSA George Hughes - Formerly South Side 10525 - 72 Ave
GA Glen Allen 199 Georgian Way, Sherwood Park
GLA Glengarry 13340 - 85 Street
GTA Grand Trunk 13025 - 112 Street
KCA / KCB KC Twin Arenas 13160 - 137 Avenue
KEA Kenilworth 8313 - 68 A Street
KNX Kinex 66 Hebert Road, St. Albert
KMA / KMB Kinsmen Twin Arenas 19 Avenue & 111 Street
BGC Leduc Rec Centre - Formerly Black Gold 4330 Black Gold Drive, Leduc 
LOA Londonderry 14520 - 66 Street
CMM Mark Messier - Servus Credit Union Place 400 Campbell Rd, St. Albert
MEA / MEB Meadows Twin Arenas 2704 - 17 street
MCA Michael Cameron 10404 - 56 Street
MWA / MWB Millwoods Twin Arenas 7207 - 28 Avenue
NAIT NAIT 11762 - 106 Street
OLA Oliver 10335 - 119 Street
REX Rexall Place - Skyreach Centre 118 Avenue & Wayne Gretzky Drive
ENO  River Cree Twin Rinks  Whitemud Drive & Winterburn Rd, Enoch 
RBA Russ Barnes - Formerly Santa Rosa 6725 - 121 Avenue
SAP Servus Credit Union Place -  Formerly Campbell Arena 400 Campbell Rd, St Albert
SPA / SPS Sherwood Park Arena Sports Centre & Shell 2025 Oak Street, Sherwood Park
MPN / MPS Sherwood Park Millennium Place 2000 Premier Way, Sherwood Park
GRF / SGE  Spruce Grove Agrena Grant Fuhr & East 454 King Street, Spruce Grove
TCA / TCB /TCC / TCD Terwillegar Recreation Center 2051 Leger Road
TIA Tipton 10828 - 80 Avenue
TLN / TLS TransAlta Tri-Leisure Centre - Spruce Grove Tri- Leisure Centre  221 Campsite Rd, Spruce Grove
CTM Troy Murray - Servus Credit Union Place 400 Campbell Rd, St. Albert
WEM West Edmonton Mall Ice Palace  87 Avenue & 170 Street
WWA Westwood 12040 - 97 Street


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